Right before Thanksgiving AAPODx2 abruptly shut down. AAPODx2 was a submission site for Amateur AstroPhotographers. It was similar to NASA’s APOD however it was dedicated to the Amateur Astronomer. When AAPODx2 Shut down there was a lot of comments on Facebook and Forums feeling the loss of what became a staple. I cant say I ever had the pleasure to win one however I always looked forward to submitting to AAPOD as well as APOD.
After seeing AAPODx2 shut down I called my good friend Charles and asked him if he would be interested in taking up the reins and continue AAPOD with me. We didn’t want to just copy AAPODx2 we wanted to improve upon what they created. We want to create a site and group by Amateur Astronomers for Amateur Astronomers.
With a new domain name aapod2.com and a new facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/aapod2/) we start this new and exciting project of giving accolades to other amateur astro-photographers.
The rules are simple but the judging criteria will be tough. We want our AAPOD2 winners to be the very best astro photos on the web. You may see some images and think you can’t compete but that’s not the case. If you see a bunch of spectacular Horseheads then find an object that’s Unique such as a cluster, glob or Pneb.
We have some exciting things being announced this year that will add to the fun.
So if your an astro-photographer of just a lover of great space related photos, please join our group and invite your friends, you wont be disappointed.